Wishing you....

ceq coaching meq ranzcp simg Dec 22, 2023
Keen MEQ workshop participants at the recent Write2Pass workshop, Sydney 2024.

Good morning all,

My title has dots, why?

Because at this time of the year I am a bit over people wishing for me what they want for me, rather than what I want!

It's subtle but so is communication. So many of you have had a challenging year, and your wish for 2024 will be entirely your own. It may be a healthier one, a happier one, one that gives you more time with your family, or one that gets you just that bit closer to consultancy. 

I'm at an age where my friends are experiencing real health issues, some having angiograms, colonsocopies, and cancer scares. I have learnt the hard way myself that everything must be in balance, nothing put off "until...". I feel I'm a lot better now in saying no, and throwing my time and energy into what I want to do and what creates puprose for me.

This year I have have found my purpose in psychiatry again, thanks to all of you who trusted in me to help you with your exam progress and for support and encouragement. I have developed very meaningful connections with the cohort of fantastic, talented and bright psychiatrists coming up the ranks, and for that I am very grateful.

It meant so much to me that you reached out to me whether you passed, to share your excitement, and also to share your distress if you were unsuccessful. It meant so much to me that you trusted me for the whole exam journey and not just one attempt. 

I will return from a break on Monday 8th of January 2024 and will have the groundwork laid for an alumni community for all of my workshop participants this year. This is what I was told would be super helpful after attending workshops and prior to the exam attempt. 

I have also brought back some availaibility for 1:1 exam coaching as there is always a request for this and I want to have available what you think is going to help you the most. Small group workshops will continue in May 2024, and there will be planning groups for the scholarly project. I can read and edit PWC's as an accredited superviser and someone with many years of psychotherapy experience. 

All of these solutions will be coming your way very soon!

This is the link to the latest offerings:


Lastly, than you to all of you who stay on the mailing list and refer your buddies to me. I am very happy to help as many of you as possible and have built a strong community this year thanks to all of the referrals and feedback.

See you in 2024, whatever you want that to look like for you!

Helen x

Keen to know more about our workshops, courses and events for 2024? Be one of the first to know when the details are announced for the February and August 2024 MEQ and CEQ exams.


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