Communication is Key Mar 03, 2025

Amidst the upcoming RANZCP elections and the ongoing stalemate between NSW public sector psychiatrists and the NSW government, it is important to remember that some of those with the burden of continuing to provide a psychiatry workforce are sitting their essay examinations tomorrow.

I’ve written a...

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Diagnosing what stares you in the face rather than the minutiae Jul 22, 2024

I had a pretty sudden health setback in April, and I've decided to start writing about it. And I'm sharing something I've realised from the whole ordeal that I see in some of the candidates I've been coaching and training for the MEQ exams. 

The post is not for sympathy but to illustrate a common t...

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Bringing your authentic self to coaching Jun 28, 2024

I recently reflected on an individual coaching session that I ran, and it made me focus on how important my role was to help an exam candidate to feel safe and comfortable with how they were finding things. 

The candidate told me, "I wasn't sure how to prepare for today, on one hand I wanted to ove...

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Reflections after MEQ and CEQ workshops - what is the value of a written exam for the RANZCP training program? Jun 18, 2024

I'm heading home after delivering a successful round of face to face workshops for the MEQ and CEQ essay exams. 

I had trainees come to meet me in Queensland from so many places, including New Zealand, Tasmania, Adelaide, Far North Queensland, Sydney, the Gold Coast, Newcastle and Lismore. 

We del...

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BLUF your way through your RANZCP MEQ and CEQ essay exams! Feb 19, 2024

With only three weeks to go until the RANZCP MEQ and CEQ exams, there is still time to refine the way you write essays and make them stand out.

With three weeks to go, you may be still at the stage where you are writing essay plans - the greatest procrastination approach of all - and really rehashi...

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Wishing you.... Dec 22, 2023

Good morning all,

My title has dots, why?

Because at this time of the year I am a bit over people wishing for me what they want for me, rather than what I want!

It's subtle but so is communication. So many of you have had a challenging year, and your wish for 2024 will be entirely your ow

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What do you do with your MEQ and CEQ exam feedback? Dec 05, 2023

Greetings all, 

It's that time again where unsuccessful candidates examine their feedback from their recent RANZCP MEQ or CEQ attempt. After trying to come to terms with the result, and work out how to be successful at the next attempt, all eyes are on inboxes waiting for feedback that they hope wi...

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